Bathroom Paint Colors that Won’t Go Out of Style
In Ramsey MN, if you want to have your bathroom painted, then Chrave Davis LLC is the right place to turn. We’re an A+-rated company with the Better Business Bureau, so you can trust our skill and commitment to excellence. As fully accredited residential painting contractors, we’ll be happy to meet with you to talk about how to spruce up your bathroom and freshen up your home’s look.
What’ll it be? Will you choose classic, traditional shades or pick bold, conversation-starting hues? Will your new bathroom look be one color or two-toned? As home painters, we can do most anything. Because we’re conscientious residential painting contractors, we’ll give you our honest opinion regarding any choice and make well-reasoned recommendations. You are, however, the final arbiter regarding any bathroom color choice because you are the homeowner!
What is the Best Finish to Use in My Bathroom?
Paint isn’t just paint. There are several versions of each color, and some work well in bathrooms while others do not. When you pick an interior painting company, you want one that will tell you what will work because you don’t want to have to redo it. Here’s what we recommend regarding the various paint styles:
Matte finishes are terrible for bathrooms. They absorb water instead of repel it, and they are notoriously difficult to clean. Because they absorb water, the vigorous cleaning that is usually required winds up removing some of the paint.
Eggshell finishes are only marginally better. They provide some glow, but cleaning them is almost as tough as cleaning matte finishes. They, too, absorb moisture, which makes them fertile ground for mildew. Should you truly love an eggshell finish, however, we offer special additives to build moisture-repelling and antimicrobial properties in an eggshell finish. These additives cost more, but if you really want an eggshell finish, the peace of mind you gain by having us use our specialty paints will undoubtedly be worth the cost.
Satin finishes don’t repel much moisture, but they will work well in any bathroom that had moisture-reducing features installed. They’re slightly glossy, too, for that “healthy glow,” but they require a deft touch in cleaning.
High-gloss finishes are veritable “deflector shields” against water, mildew, and the like, but their incredible shine mars easily. Such imperfections will be quite noticeable. High-gloss paint is perfect, however, for window sills and other trim in the bathroom.
Semi-gloss finishes don’t shine like high-gloss finishes, but as highly experienced home painters, we can tell you that they repel moisture as well as high-gloss finishes without the noticeable flaws. They are almost always the best choice for bathroom work.
What Are Some Hot Bathroom Colors for My Bathroom?
As an interior painting company, we naturally have experience with many different colors. The normal human eye can differentiate almost a million of them. We don’t have that many back at the warehouse, but the following colors, in our experience, are quite successful in bathrooms:
Taupe is the “poster child” for the painting maxim, “Neutral doesn’t mean blah.” It’s versatile and matches many towel and accessory colors. We like to soften the shade so that you have a gorgeous, flexible bathroom color that’ll welcome each new shade of linens you put out. Soft taupe is also easily touched up for an “always-pristine” look.
Gray paint never goes out of style. Sure, it might be the “latest thing,” but homeowners in 1930 were thinking the same thing. You can pair gray paint with black fixtures for a modern, minimalist look. Or, you use soft gray and pair it with bright pastels to evoke “1930.” Like taupe, gray is both flexible and pleasing to the eye.
Parchment is one of those colors that looks spectacular when paired with differing shades of itself. You can create myriad looks by terracing the shades to draw the eye to different spots in the bathroom. Better yet, you can accent those spots with eye-popping fixtures and linens of almost any color. Because parchment is also called “buttery white,” you can even do whimsical things like “jam and butter” by choosing raspberry-colored towels. Your imagination is truly the limit with parchment.
Seafoam green is a modern color, and we at Chrave Davis Painting recommend it for the popular “spa look” of the 21st century. You can show your humor, too, by painting bubbles into your new seafoam green walls for an “undersea look.” King Neptune could never be more jealous! Like parchment, terracing different shades of seafoam green and silvery water bubbles creates a stunning effect, particularly with black linens.
Blue-gray paint is among the most popular of two-toned bathroom colors. Both of these colors are relaxing, especially if you use softened shades of both. Black or dark grey linens, paired with brushed-finish fixtures, will create a sensational look that will last a lifetime.
It’s Time to Paint Your bathroom
When you call us to paint your bathroom, we’ll meet with you first to discuss all of the various options. Remember, the colors above are only a few suggestions for bathroom colors. Should you want to match your favorite shade of any color, we can make that happen. We stand behind our work not only with a 100-percent satisfaction guarantee but also with a one-year warranty on all workmanship and materials. Our free estimates are fixed, too, which means that if we suddenly have a problem and have to do additional work, it’s on us. We’re owner-operated, too, so you can be sure our word is our bond. To find out more about all we can do for you, give us a call or drop by the office today.